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Volume 1, Issue 4th March 2024

US Supreme Court Keeps Trump on Colarado Ballot

Republican Badge Illustration

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump should be allowed on the presidential primary ballots for this year, overturning state efforts to hold the former Republican president responsible for his role in inciting the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.

The justices agreed that states cannot prevent presidential candidates from being on ballots using a constitutional provision after the Civil War unless Congress in D.C. takes action first.

The decision was made in a legal case concerning Trump being taken off the ballot in the Colorado primary. The day before Super Tuesday contests in Colorado and 15 other states are coming, during which Trump could potentially build a lead over Nikki Haley in the Republican delegate count that would be difficult for her to overcome.

After the Colorado Supreme Court decided against Trump in December, he was also prevented from appearing on the primary ballots in Illinois and Maine. However, Illinois and Maine were waiting for the outcome of the Supreme Court case before finalizing their decisions.

Trump's case was the initial one heard at the Supreme Court regarding a section of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which was created post-Civil War to bar former officials who participated in insurrection from being re-elected to office.

